Saturday, March 2, 2019

Welcome to The Hot President Project!

WHAT is the Hot President Project, you ask?

You couldn't POSSIBLY be talking about the Presidents of The United States of America... right?
Actually.... Yes. Believe it or not, we've had some hotties. They are buried in a sea of NOTTIES, but I assure you, there are a few!

Mostly, I was inspired by one President in particular: Rutherford B. Hayes.

Here's a picture of him:

Dreamy, eh? Of course, by the time he became the leader of the free world, he was quite a bit older. He grew some facial hair. A little later in life, he grew an an old man wizard beard and further hid that beautiful bone structure. Here's President Hayes after he took office:

Eventually.... he turned into everyone's Grampa. Life was hard back then, and it shows in his rapidly aging face. Presidents always seem to finish their terms looking quite a bit older, grayer, and more haggard than they did prior to being President. Don't believe me? Check out how Clinton aged. Look at Obama's crows feet & gray hair. Being the President is a hard freakin' job.

This is just a taste of what the Hot President Project will be about. We can't judge our Presidents hotness by their Presidential portraits. We have to go MUCH earlier to see what we're working with here. This blog will be ranking each President, all 45 of em. Obviously, #1 is the gorgeous Rutherford B. Hayes, but what about the other 44? Please stay tuned, as this blog will teach you a little bit about each President. I hope you guys have as much fun reading about them as I will have researching them. Let the Hottie Hunting commence!

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